Sunday, April 5, 2009

Benson & Hedges Light Menthol 100's

Two items to address before we get on with today's review:

1) After today's post, I will stop having the MSRP category. State taxes and availability make it almost impossible to find some kind set price per pack.

2) I am many things, but half-assed, I'm not (most of the time). Each cigarette I review has been smoked by me within the last 10 days, and usually within the last 5. I will not write a review based on my memories of a cigarette. Even if it's a horrible, horrible brand that I know I hate, I'll go out and get it again, all for the sake of accuracy.

Anyway- I hate these cigarettes! Read on to find out more.

Taste: Imagine powdered toothpaste combined with that asthma medication you inhale. Now imagine that being shoved down your throat by a gentle, soothing hand. Yeah.
Availability: These are not as widespread as Marlboro or Camel cigarettes, so I'd have to say that a specialty cigarette store would be the best bet.
Burn Length: 5-8 minutes heavily dragged, 7-10 minutes if you're trying to avoid putting it back in your mouth.

These cigarettes are terrible! I'll be the first to say that I do NOT like Menthol smokes in the first place, but I've had my fair share (reviews coming later). These are particularly strong on the Menthol, and light on anything else. I feel like I've just brushed my teeth after smoking one of these, and while that's a nice feeling, it's not what I want from a cigarette! I wanted tobacco taste, and I got dental hygiene.

Overall 2.5 out of 5.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Marlboro Lights

Notice a theme yet? I'm gonna run through as much of the Marlboro family as I can.

Marlboro lights are just like they sound- Light Marlboro's.

Taste- Like freshly washed towels.
Availability- Almost every gas station, grocery store, and convenience store sells Marlboro lights. They're available in both King and 100 length.
Burn length- 3-4 minutes heavily dragged, 5-6 minutes casually smoked.

Marlboro lights are nice for those days when it's really hot, or after a show where you've lost your voice from yelling at the band to play songs that they don't do. They're smoother then Reds, so they're a bit easier on the throat. However, they have a couple of drawbacks, in my ever-so-humble opinion.

First of all, they so smooth that you'll end up smoking more then you intended, which isn't necessarily bad, unless you're at work and you run out. Then you're irritated at 4:08 and you know that's gonna be the day your co-worker decides to spend the end of the day doing his very best Steve Urkel impression. Yeah, not gonna be a good day. Secondly, Marlboro lights, for whatever reason, make your hands smell really bad. This isn't a big deal if you're a dude and you're among dudes, but if you have a lady waiting at home who has a sensitive sniffer, you're gonna get an earful, and probably be asked to keep your filthy death hands off of her. Finally, I find that Lights lose their cherry a little bit more frequently then Reds. This probably isn't true, and I have no evidence to back this up, but it just seems like I have to re-light lights more than other cigarettes.

In conclusion, Lights are nice, but I still prefer reds.

Overall- 4 out of 5.

Marlboro 27

Marlboro 27's are a different breed of Marlboro. They come in a gold colored box, which leads some people (usually old people) to call them goldies, although I personally would recommend NOT saying that, as it sounds a little off. "Hey man, lemme bum a goldie." Just weird. Anyway,

Tastes Like- A dense warm fog rolling in off the bay in the middle of April.
Availability- These can be a little bit tricky to find. Most larger gas stations will carry them, but many smaller ones, ones with more of a booth then a store, won't. In addition, many grocery stores don't sell them, so the best place to find them would be convenience stores.
Burn Length- 2-3 minutes heavily dragged, 4-5 minutes casually puffed.

I don't like the Marlboro 27 as much as the Red. For one thing, it's smoother, but it also tastes weaker to me, even though I have no scientific evidence whatsoever to back that up. Also, it only comes in King Size, and I definitely prefer 100's, as they last a little longer. Finally, and this is a more ridiculous reason, Marlboro makes little short cigarettes called 72's. If you're tired, or a bit drunk, you might end up with some of those instead of 27's, and then you're just angry.

Overall- 3.5 out of 5.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Marlboro Red 100's

I'll start my reviews with my cigarette of choice- The Marlboro Red 100. The Cowboy Killer.

MSRP- Still looking for that, actually. I usually buy mine for $4.35 a pack.
Taste- Like a piece of the American Heartland.
Availability- Almost every gas station and corner store carries them.
Length of burn- One cigarette, constantly puffed, about 3-4 minutes. Casually puffed, about 10-12 minutes.

These are my current cigarettes of choice. I usually can get 1 to 2 in on a 15 minute break, which is plenty to make the time til the next break ease on by.

Overall score (based out of 5, with 1 being low and 5 being high) 4.5


The surgeon general says that smoking is bad for you. I agree. Smoking will cause all kinds of harm to your body and to those around you, and can be fatal. I do not, and will not at any future point, encourage smoking of any kind. Any content found on this site is not intended to encourage the use of tobacco products. All posts are simply opinion.

That being said, I choose to smoke. I like cigarettes. I think they taste good, they're relaxing, and they make me happy. But which ones are the best? Did the cowboys have it right? Does a Turkish blend really mean anything? What's the REAL difference between the yellow, blue, and black American Spirit boxes. This blog is my quest to answer that question. I'll be providing insight based on:
Length of burn (how long an individual cigarette can be smoked for).

I'll do my best to find actual info as well, such as tar content, nicotine content, etc.

Let's see what I find!