Sunday, March 29, 2009

Marlboro 27

Marlboro 27's are a different breed of Marlboro. They come in a gold colored box, which leads some people (usually old people) to call them goldies, although I personally would recommend NOT saying that, as it sounds a little off. "Hey man, lemme bum a goldie." Just weird. Anyway,

Tastes Like- A dense warm fog rolling in off the bay in the middle of April.
Availability- These can be a little bit tricky to find. Most larger gas stations will carry them, but many smaller ones, ones with more of a booth then a store, won't. In addition, many grocery stores don't sell them, so the best place to find them would be convenience stores.
Burn Length- 2-3 minutes heavily dragged, 4-5 minutes casually puffed.

I don't like the Marlboro 27 as much as the Red. For one thing, it's smoother, but it also tastes weaker to me, even though I have no scientific evidence whatsoever to back that up. Also, it only comes in King Size, and I definitely prefer 100's, as they last a little longer. Finally, and this is a more ridiculous reason, Marlboro makes little short cigarettes called 72's. If you're tired, or a bit drunk, you might end up with some of those instead of 27's, and then you're just angry.

Overall- 3.5 out of 5.

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